6 July 2011

The Duchess is Here - Day 7

Will and Kate left Northwest Territories to head south to Alberta today.  What I have loved most about their trip so far is the sincere emotion with which they greet people.  Looking at Kate accept flowers from this little boy on the runway before they took off on a flight to Slave Lake, you can see in her face that she really appreciates the love she is getting from Canadians everywhere.  

On the fashion front, their tour of Slave Lake was quite a sombre event, not to mention a bit messy as it is a recently wild-fire ravaged area, so understandably she kept it casual but still professional in jeans, wedge heels and a navy blazer.

Whatever Kate wore, it was all love from the residents of Slave Lake.  The royal visit was a much needed boost to the morale of the town.

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